TGM Classic | Justin Donald | How the Velocity of Money is the Secret to Retiring Young

On today’s show, we have Justin Donald, author of  The Lifestyle Investor who shares how you earn passive income and buy back your time! 

In this episode, Justin and I talked about:

  • How to stop being a slave to your job or business
  • Hedging your portfolio against inflation
  • Passive income generation strategies for those who are just starting out
  • Things that your financial advisor is not telling you
  • And other topics…

Meet Justin:

Entrepreneur Magazine calls Justin Donald the “Warren Buffett of Lifestyle Investing.” He’s a master of low-risk cash flow investing, specializing in simplifying complex financial strategies, structuring deals, and disciplined investment systems that consistently produce profitable results. His ethos is to “create wealth without creating a job.” In the span of 21 months, and before his 40th birthday, Justin’s investments drove enough passive income for both and his wife, Jennifer, to leave their jobs. Following his simple investment system and 10 Commandments of Lifestyle Investing(c), Justin negotiated deals with over 100 companies, multiplied his net worth to over eight figures, and maintained a family-centric lifestyle in less than two years. Just two years later, he doubled his net worth again. He now consults and advises entrepreneurs and executives on Lifestyle Investing. Justin hosts the podcast The Lifestyle Investor(R) featuring his lessons and proven investment system that consistently produces repeatable returns. Justin is a member of Tiger 21 and a board member of Front Row Foundation International. He and Jennifer contribute to various causes privately and through their church, fighting cancer, building clean water wells in third-world countries and other humanitarian efforts. Additionally, they sponsor multiple children through Compassion International. The Donalds are based in Austin, Texas, and love adventure-based international travel with their beloved daughter.

Meet Darius: 

Darius is your host of The Greatness Machine LIVE. Darius is a mad scientist, high-growth CEO, serial entrepreneur, author, conscious capitalist, speaker, and entertainer. Darius is on a quest to create 1,000,000 Core Value Driven Organization by 2030. He is calling this “The Core Value Revolution.” Darius is an alumni of the Birthing of Giants Entrepreneurial Program at MIT and Stagen Integral Leadership Program. Darius’s accolades include being ranked #9 Top Rated CEO in America on Glassdoor, has won numerous Stevie Awards, and has founded and grown organizations that have been ranked #40 in the Inc. 500 and were ranked #3 Best Places to Work By the San Francisco Business Time. He is all about the P’s: Passion, Pizza, Puzzles, and, especially, Pink Unicorns. His book, The Core Value Equation, is an Amazon #1 Best Seller and is available at

The Greatness Machine shares lessons on how to framework your drive for results, create limitless space, and win the war on talent.

My team and I are on a mission to help YOU create a cultural revolution. I want to teach you how to build a core value driven organization. 


Make Greatness Happen!



Facebook: @therealdariusm 

Instagram: @whoompdarius

Twitter: @kingdarius

LinkedIn: @dariusmirshahzadeh


Don’t let your Core Values become a company artifact!  Learn how to make Core Values the language of your organization.  Pre-order my book The Core Value Equation found at the link below 

The Core Value Equation




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